iPalette is an app for Mac OS X that displays color values for any color for use when doing graphics, designing a website, or developing the GUI for an app. The main purpose of iPalette is to give users quick access to color values but can also be used to Get the right set of colors you are looking for.
- Drag-n-drop.
Drag colors from a color well and drop them into a text editor to quickly paste color values into your documents.
- Copy to clipboard.
Click on a color value to copy it onto your clipboard.
- Global window.
The global window will always be on top of other non-global windows so you will always have access to your colors and their values no matter which editor is being used.
- Custom color formats.
Define your own format for your needs. Cocoa developers can Create an NSColor format while web developers can create a hex or rgb format.
- Favorites.
Add a palette to your favorites to use them at a later time.
- Shorthand hex.
Use shorthand hex values to save space in your stylesheets.
- Web-safe colors.
Set any color in your palette to the closest web-safe color.
- Rgb tool.
Adjust your colors using a red, green, and blue slider.
- Hex tool.
Add colors by entering hex values.
- Blend tool.
Blend two colors together.
- Magnify tool.
Capture colors on the screen.
- Image Tool.
Grab colors from an image file.